
The S-MARK certification in Argentina is to implement S-Mark mandatory certification for electrical and electronic equipment in the range of 50-1000 Vac or 50-1500 Vdc. In accordance with Resolution 92/98, which came into force in 1998, Argentina has implemented S-Mark mandatory certification for electrical and electronic equipment with input voltages in the range of 50-1000 Vac or 50-1500 Vdc. The resolution divided the products into 4 groups, which were implemented step by step from 2001. By August 1, 2004, all products must obtain S-Mark certification before entering the Argentine market. Argentina is a member of the CB system, and CB certificates and reports are recognized, which saves a lot of trouble in repeating tests and sending samples. The S-Mark safety certification in Argentina does not require a factory inspection. Applicants should provide a Spanish nameplate (including safety warning signs) and a manual. The certification body's logo should be added next to the S-Mark logo. Provisions 92/98 The mandatory system certification system proposes three phases of safety requirements: compliance certification, type certification and product certification (S-Mark). The third phase of product certification (S-Mark) is enforced from the following dates: 1. April 1, 2001 - Electronic materials such as: Electronic components, fuses and wires, etc. 2. December 1, 2003 - Electronics Such as: · Electric irons · Electric heaters · Power tools · Refrigerators · Freezers · Air conditioners · Portable kitchen appliances · Electric razors · Hairdressing supplies · Lamp holders and materials for electric lamps · Electric lights 3. February 1, 2004 - Electrical products such as: · Lamps, lawn mowers and similar appliances · Washing machines, dishwashers, kitchen utensils (excluding portable kitchen appliances) · Microwave ovens, electric fans, vacuum vacuum cleaners and floor treatment equipment 4. August 2004 1st: • All appliances that have been defined by Resolution 92/98 but not listed above (eg IEC 60950, 60065, 61010, .....) 5. December 31, 2003 · All voltages below 50V or Appliances higher than 63A