Laboratory overview

The safety laboratory of Zhenghua Testing Institute is the earliest laboratory established by Zhenghua to provide safety testing and certification for various projects of commercial and household electrical and electronic products. The scope of testing products covers household appliances, lamps, information technology equipment, audio and video products, powered toys, medical equipment, machine equipment security and monitoring equipment, and uninterruptible power transformers. Zhenghua Testing Institute is equipped with advanced testing instruments and equipment. More than 20 safety engineers and test engineers with extensive experience can fully meet the needs of customer testing and certification.

Laboratory capacity introduction

Certification Program

欧洲: CE、GS、CB、TUV PS、TUV Rheinland、CB、UV-mark、EMF、 KEMA 、
美洲: UL、ETL、cTUVus
澳洲: SAA 

Service Scope

1 Assist customers to eliminate safety hazards during product design, such as circuit clearance, creepage distance, evaluation of structural design, and avoid loss of mold modification.

2 Conduct electrical testing, structural assessment, and submit an audit report for the pre-product certification phase.

3 Communicate with the certification body and act on behalf of the client to execute the application documents, which can save application time and reduce the troubles of the customer in the application process.

4 Assist clients in dealing with problems in factory inspections and counseling customers on factory inspections. Assist manufacturers to conduct SAFETY personnel training standard consultation, laboratory venue rental.

Test Project

标签擦拭测试Label Test 
稳定性测试Stability Test 
输入测试Input Test 
温升测试Temperature Rise Test 
电气强度测试Electric Strength Test 
泄露电流测试Leakage Current Test 
防潮测试Moisture Resistance 
变压器的过载测试Transformer Overload test 
耐久性测试Endurance test 
绝缘阻抗测试Insulation Resistance Test 
插头放电测试Plug Discharge Test 
接地电阻测试Resistance of Earthing Test 
接触电流测试Touch Current Test 
冲击测试Impact Test 
跌落测试Drop Test 
锐角测试Sharp Edge Test 
球压测试Ball Pressure Test 
针焰测试Needle Frame Test 
电气间隙 和爬电距离测量Clearance and Creepage Distance

Testing Range

信息技术设备  IEC/EN/UL60950-1/-21/-22, A5/NZS60950.l, GB4943.l
音视频设备  IEC/EN/UL60065,CSA C22.2 N0.60065, AS/NZS60065,K60065, GB8898
音视频信息和通信设备  IEC/EN/UL 62368-1 , CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1
电源类 IEC/EN/UL60950-1,IEC/EN/UL60065,IEC/EN/UL60601,IEC/EN60335-2-29,A5/ NZS61558.1/.2.X,UL1310,UL1012,UL697,GB19510,GB8898,GB4943.1
不间断电源(UPS)  IEC/EN62040-1-1, AS 62040.1.1,UL1778
灯具   IEC/EN60598-1/-2-X, AS/NZS60598.1/.2.X,J60598-1/-2-X,GB7000.l/.X

固定式灯具  UL1598, IEC/EN60598-2-1,GB7000.201
嵌入式灯具  UL1598,IEC/EN60598-2-2,GB7000.202
便携式灯具  UL153,IEC/EN60598-2-4,GB7000.204

普通照明自镇流灯(节能灯、 射灯、 LED球泡灯)UL1993,IEC/EN60968,AS/NZS60968,IEC/EN62031,IEC/EN62560,IEC62471
LED灯管U L87 50, U L1993, U L1598C,IEC60061,IEC624 71,IEC62031,IEC6134 7-2-13, IEC61195,IEC61199
灯的控制装置电子镇流器  IEC/EN61347-1/-2-X,AS/NZS61347.l/.2.X,UL8750,UL935,GB19510.X
马达类食物处理器(搅拌机/梓汁机/切片机)U L982,IEC/EN6033 5-2-14,GB4706.30

液体加热器具(咖啡壶/电水壶) UL1082,IEC/EN60335-2-15,GB4706.19
电池充电器 UL1310,IEC/EN60335-2-29,GB4706.18
房间电热取暖器  UL1278,IEC/EN60335-2-30,GB4706.23
抽油烟机  UL507,IEC/EN60335-2-31,GB4706.28
电磁灶  IEC/EN60335-2-9,GB4706.29
按摩器  UL1647,IEC/EN60335-2-32,GB4706.10
商用电烤架和面包片烘烤器  IEC/EN60335-2-48

加湿器  UL998,IEC/EN60335-2-98
电褽斗  Ul1005,IEC/EN60335-2-3, GB4706.2
洗碗机  UL749, IEC/EN60335-2-5, GB4706.25
烤架 , 烤箱 , 多士炉和油炸锅 , 电煎锅UL1026,IEC/EN60335-2-9
插头: AS/NZS 3112, BS 1363-1, EN 50075
烤架 , 烤箱 , 多士炉和油炸锅 , 电煎锅UL1026,IEC/EN60335-2-9
插头:  AS/NZS 3112, BS 1363-1, EN 50075