Laboratory overview

Zhenghua Testing Agency Automotive Materials & Reliability Lab is a third-party laboratory specializing in automotive related product testing. We have complete experimental equipment, experienced technical development and testing teams, and are committed to helping all companies in the automotive industry improve performance and reduce risks, from product development, production, shipment to after-sales service, for all aspects of the automotive industry chain. Provide quality monitoring while providing solutions to a variety of known and hidden issues.

         CCC certification for CNAS, CMA and automotive interior materials has been obtained. It can provide you with professional, high-quality one-stop service in the fields of physical property testing, reliability testing, materials and parts voc testing, hazardous substance testing, body attachment testing, etc.

Laboratory capacity introduction

Material properties

Material physical properties refer to the properties of a substance without chemical reaction, including abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, hardness, compressibility, density, tape viscosity, and electrical insulation properties of electrical materials. Understanding the physical properties of materials can provide a reference for the daily use, storage, and production of products.

Mechanical properties

The mechanical properties of materials refer to the ability of materials to withstand various deformations (tensile, compressive, bending, torsional, impact, alternating stress, etc.) against deformation and fracture under different conditions. The mechanical characteristics of the material are an important reference for the actual engineering and daily application of the material. The reasonable use of the material can ensure the structural stability of the product.

Combustion performance

Flame retardancy of materials refers to the properties of materials that have a significant delay in flame propagation after treatment. It is an important indicator for the selection of materials, especially for materials used in building materials, vehicles, and home appliances. high. The flame retardant test is to judge the flame retardant performance of the product material by artificially simulating the abnormal environment and the fire source.

Odour test

The scent test is based on the human sense of smell and comfort, subjective evaluation of all the odors emitted by the car interior parts, and can intuitively reflect the advantages and disadvantages of the car interior parts. The odor test is to place the test sample in the scent bottle, and after being placed at a certain temperature according to certain conditions, after a period of time, the nose is used to sense the severity and comfort of the odor and judge.

VOC test

The bag method VOC test is an experimental process for collecting and analyzing the volatilized gas in the product. The automotive interior parts are sealed in a sampling bag, filled with a quantitative volume of nitrogen, placed in a test chamber, heated at a specified temperature for a period of time, and the benzene-based substance is collected by a TENAX tube to thermally desorb the temperament. The combined system (TD-GC/MS) analysis; the aldehyde and ketone substances were collected by DNPH tube and analyzed by liquid chromatography system (LC-DAD).

Atomization test

Atomization refers to the condensation of volatile materials discharged from automotive interior parts and materials onto the glass. Automotive interior materials such as leather, plastics, textiles and adhesives for bonding materials contain some volatile substances, especially in the case of sunlight, which increases the temperature inside the car and exacerbates this volatilization. Volatile gases condense on car windows or windshields, causing poor line of sight, affecting the driver's line of sight and driving safety, and some volatile substances can affect the health of the occupants. Monitor the fogging value of the glass in different ways to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of automotive interior parts.