
AENOR (The Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification) The Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification, AENOR is an organization dedicated to the development of standardization and certification (S+C) in all industrial and service sectors. Its goal is to improve the quality and competitiveness of the company and environmental protection. On February 26, 1986, in accordance with the Royal Decree 1614/1985, AENOR was designated by the Ministry of Industry and Energy to carry out these activities, and was recognized as a standardization body and was a certification body by the Royal Decree 2200/1995, which was industrial law. /1992 released. In Spain, AENOR is the certification leader, which has issued nearly 18,000 ISO9001 quality management, more than 3,000 ISO14001 environmental management certificates and nearly 72,000 products with the AENOR logo. AENOR is an organization dedicated to the development of standardization and certification (S+C) in all industrial and service sectors. Its goal is to improve the quality and competitiveness of the company and environmental protection.

Nature: Mandatory

Requirements standard: security

Voltage: 230Vac

Frequency: 50Hz

Member of the CB system: Yes