
Ways for Chinese companies to obtain Japanese PSE certification As more and more countries join the WTO, in order to be in line with international standards, many countries have enacted regulations to limit the safety, energy conservation, environmental protection and other technical indicators of various commodities, so as to ensure the domestic Industry and market levels have also formed certain technical barriers. From April 1, 2001, the "Electrical Product Control Act (DENTORL)" has been officially renamed as "Electronic Product Safety Law (DENAN)". Different from the control of the previous regulations of the regulatory system, the new system will be guaranteed by unofficial institutions. Japanese buyers must register with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) within one month after purchasing the goods. Electrical and electronic products within the DENAN catalogue sold on the Japanese market must pass PSE certification. Japan's DENAN divides electrical and electronic products into two categories: specific products, including 115 products; and non-specified products, including 338 products. Certain electrical products must be inspected by the third-party certification body authorized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for the inspection of products and factory test equipment, and the PSE certification certificate is issued. The certification is valid for 3 to 7 years, and the PSE diamond logo is attached to the product. Non-specific electrical products are subject to self-inspection and declaration to prove product conformity, and the PSE round mark is attached to the product.