
The IECEE-CB system is a mutual recognition system for IECEE test certificates for electrical products. It is one of two working systems under IECEE. The main goal of the CB system is to promote international trade by promoting the harmonization of national and international standards and the cooperation of product certification bodies to bring manufacturers closer to the ideal “one-test, multiple-applicable” goal. More than 70 national certification bodies (NCBs) in more than 50 member states of the IECEE CB system have reached a multilateral agreement, enabling applicants to obtain national certifications from other member states of the CB system based on CB test certificates and test reports issued by one NCB. Or market access. The CB system is based on the IEC standard. If the criteria for the country of export of the product are not yet fully equated with the IEC standard, the test shall take into account the country differences declared by the country.