• Household appliances CE certification

    The need to apply for CE certification

          CE certification provides a unified technical specification for trade of products in the European market and simplifies trade procedures. To enter the EU and the European Free Trade Zone, products of any country must be CE-certified and CE marked on the product. Therefore, CE certification is a passport for products entering the EU and European Free Trade Zone countries.

          CE certification indicates that the product has met the safety requirements of the EU Directive; it is a commitment of the company to consumers, increasing the level of consumer trust in the product; products marked with CE mark will reduce the risk of sales in the European market. These risks include:

    ● The risk of being detained and investigated by the customs;

    ● Risks investigated by market surveillance agencies;

    ● Risk of allegations of competitors for competitive purposes.

    Benefits of applying for CE certification

    ● The EU's laws, regulations and harmonized standards are not only numerous but also complex in content. Therefore, it is a wise move to save time and effort and reduce risks by obtaining assistance from designated institutions in the European Union;

    ● Obtain CE certification from the designated body of the European Union to maximize the trust of consumers and market surveillance agencies;

    ● Effectively prevent the occurrence of irresponsible allegations;

    ● In the case of litigation, the CE certification of the EU notified body will become technical evidence with legal effect.

  • Typical household appliances
  • Certification category for household appliances

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